What is Acne? A Comprehensive Overview of Acne, Pimples, and Blackheads: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Options.
With all this talk about acne, we might as well try to define the condition a bit. Acne is the commonly used name for pores clogged by sebum (also known as whiteheads and blackheads), pimples, nodules or cysts that can appear on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, back, upper arms and upper legs.
Most teenagers and a good number of adults suffer from acne for more or less extended periods of time. The condition is not confined to any age group, race, or sex. It affects hundreds of millions of people across the world. The biggest problems with acne are the unpleasant look of pimples and the scars they may leave behind.
Types of Acne
Although pimples are by far the most common form of acne and the one most people are likely to encounter or suffer from, you should know that there are other forms as well. The simplest form is acne vulgaris, which features only comedones, the simplest of lesions.
Lesions are small patches of skin affected by acne, although the term “lesion” is not restricted to the changes produced by acne in skin tissues. Acne lesions are the external form of comedones, the sebaceous follicles plugged by excess sebum.
Comedones are known as blackheads and whiteheads, depending on whether the pore is open or not. Blackheads are pores whose distended openings are blocked by a mixture of keratin and sebum that is blackened at the surface. Whiteheads are closed pores filled with the secretion of the sebaceous gland that swells underneath the tissue.
Comendones are the usual target for picking and squeezing. However, opening a follicle in the less than sterile conditions of your home is likely to result in a slight infection. An open pore is an entry point for all kinds of bacteria.
Papules – The papule is a small, solid usually inflammatory elevation of the skin that does not contain pus. Very small papules can also appear in clusters, due to the tissue’s response to acne.
Pustules – Pustules are small inflamed elevations of the skin that are filled with pus. The pus is a combination of bacteria, white blood cells and dead skin cells. Pustules are usually formed around sebaceous follicles and hair.
Maculae – A macula is a red spot on the skin left behind by an acne lesion. Maculae are flat, red and stand out against the surrounding skin. A group of maculae gives the face an inflamed aspect.
Nodules – The nodule is a solid lesion, one of the most painful lesions caused by acne. Nodules tend to extend into the deeper layers of the skin and are known to lead to tissue destruction. They can be very painful to remove and leave scars behind. Nodular acne is a severe form of acne that is treated only with isotretinonin.
Cysts – Cysts are lesions shaped like capsules and contain liquid or semi-liquid pus similar to that found in pustules. However, cysts are larger than pustules and can be infected. Cysts are also extending deeper into the skin and leave scar tissue behind. Nodulocystic acne is probably the worst type of acne known to man. It is resistant to treatment and responds only to isotretinoin, the substance obtained from Vitamin A.
Who gets acne?
Believe it or not, nearly everybody in the world gets pimples. When the body shifts into higher gear and puberty begins at the age of 12, hormones start taking over. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman. It doesn’t matter where you come from and who your parents were. I have never heard of a person who had stayed blemish-free in all the years of his or her life. Whether it’s food or pollution, something is bound to upset your hormonal balance sooner or later.
More than 40 percent of all teens develop cases of acne severe enough to warrant medical treatment. Most cases are usually solved without the need for fancy treatments, although more than one trip to the doctor is required. However, modern science has produced a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter acne medications to help people deal with their acne without unnecessary pain.
However, not all acne cases can be treated quite that easily. Acne comes and goes on its own, between the age of twelve and twenty-three, but some people develop severe forms of acne, while others get acne for the first time as adults. This is mostly the case for men. Because of the higher level of androgens in their systems, men are far more likely than women to suffer from acne. In women, acne is associated with their fertility cycle and the hormonal changes it entails.
While most cases of acne are confined to the facial skin, most of the people suffering from this condition experience at least the occasional blackhead or pimple down the arms, on the back, the chest or even on the buttocks.
Causes of acne
The fact is that acne is the result of overactive hormones. And today's environment has created such horrific hormonal imbalances that our bodies struggle just to keep working at 100% efficiency.
We have thousands of very fine hairs on our faces, chests and upper backs. Under our skin, and attached to each of these hair follicles, are sebaceous glands, which produce an oily substance called sebum. Normally, sebum is a good thing as it prevents our skin from drying out, makes our skin glow, and keeps it soft and supple as well.
But acne is caused by the overactivity of these glands which then produce too much sebum and secrete the oily substances onto our skin.
Throughout time, the onset of puberty and the natural changes in the adolescent body mean that hormonal changes are occurring. Women are also regularly subjected to increased hormonal activity until the age of menopause.
But it is now well-known that our environment has had a huge impact on us – our size, weight, growth and aging patterns, fertility and general health are all affected by the amount of pollution and quality of air we breathe, by the amount of UV rays from the sun, by the food we eat and by the water we drink and bathe in.
The meat and dairy products we eat contain growth steroids. Pesticide traces are on almost all the fruits and vegetables we consume. Products like wheat and sugar come from genetically modified crops. Our water contains chemicals to kill harmful organisms which can make us ill.
The level of hormones in our bodies is mostly responsible for causing the glands to produce an excess of oil. Eventually, this combines with the uneven shedding of dead skin cells and ends up clogging our pores.
When our pores get clogged, this causes blackheads and whiteheads, which can stay clogged up in our pores for years and years. More serious acne problems, like pimples, nodules and cysts form when bacteria become part of the mix.
A bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes normally lives harmlessly on your skin but when excess oil begins clogging up the pores, it feeds off the sebum and produces chemicals and enzymes which cause a response from the body's immune system. The skin becomes inflamed and can then lead to an outbreak of pimples, painful nodules (under the skin), or cysts. Acne nodules and cysts can rupture, spreading infection into skin tissue which can then result in deep and permanent scarring.
You can’t possibly control all the factors that cause acne, but there are acne treatment systems, that are specially formulated to control acne-causing bacteria internally and extarnally.
The Social Impact of Acne
The social impact of acne is huge. The unpleasant sight of pimples makes many people run to the near drugstore or pharmacy because of the perceived influence acne has in social relations. Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent every year around the world on anti-acne products by people on five continents.
Acne is one of the most troublesome conditions of our times. While most people suffering from acne do not experience any kind of physical discomfort, they make up for this by psychological scarring. This effect has not been studied in depth because acne is a common, non-threatening condition that comes and goes on its own and any psychological effects attached to it were not seen as particularly important.
However, acne has a stronger than suspected impact on the lives of people today. Studies conducted by researchers showed that people suffering from acne also display:
- Low self-confidence
- Frustration
- Feelings of inadequacy
- Depression
- Refusal to socialize
- Low self-esteem
These effects are triggered by the negative effect acne has on looks and the resulting apprehension of negative reactions from others. People suffering from acne can end up living unsatisfying lives and fail in school, jobs and social interaction.
Adult Acne
Often called the dark side of acne, adult acne is one of those embarrassing topics among adults, largely because most people get rid of it naturally as they grow older. Official statistics show that acne affects 25 percent of all adult males and 50 percent of adult females at some point in their lives. That makes it a pretty big problem, especially in today’s world, where social life is very important and physical appearance plays a crucial role in everybody’s careers. A face full of red spots is bad enough for a teen, but infinitely worse for an adult.
One of the first things that can be gleaned from the statistical data is the fact that acne is not exactly uncommon among adults. Adult acne is usually split between severe cases of acne that never went away and flare-ups of dormant acne on subjects aged between 30 and 40. There are also cases when people developed acne for the first time as adults, although such cases are somewhat rare and triggered mostly by chemicals or chronic physical pressure on the skin. The causes of adult acne are not entirely understood by science. It is believed that hormones are responsible for a certain part of cases, which means that some people managed to contain their acne with hormonal treatment. In any case, adult acne warrants a trip to the doctor.
Regardless of its roots, adult acne has the same M.O. as the common forms. The sebum, an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands attached to hair follicles, mixes with dead skin cells and plugs the follicle. Thus, bacteria start thriving in the closed environment and the follicle swells with white cells and bacteria killing each other inside. Attempts of solving the situation by squeezing open the pimples also tend to worsen the situation by exposing unprotected flesh to more bacteria.
Adults suffering from acne should avoid strong cleaning agents containing strong chemicals. Women should also be careful about their make-up, while men should try to shave without damaging their skin in the process. Exposure to dust and pollution is another thing to be avoided and skin should be kept as clean as possible without overdoing.
Lasting Effects of Teen Acne
The teen years are a trying time for every teenager. Although all the cares of adulthood are still far into the future, teens are not exactly happy. The carelessness and ignorance of childhood leaves room for rebellion and questions about one’s place under the sun. Looking for their own way through life teens often feel insecure and misunderstood. Unfortunately, if the search for a place in the world is not enough, teenagers also have to deal with skin problems, such as acne. This unsightly condition is the curse of many teenagers because of the effects it has at psychological level.
It doesn’t take a lot to foster a negative self-image in a teenager. Most of them are at least somewhat insecure about their outward appearance because of various real or imaginary blemishes. But a real condition that causes true discomfort and marks a young face is something else altogether. The fragile self-image and self-respect of teenagers are hard-pressed to cope with the pressure exerted by the opinions of others and the comparisons with various role-models that teenagers find for themselves. In extreme cases, the negative self-image turns into self-hatred and the disfiguring condition is seen as a cruel instrument of self punishment for failing to rise up to some standard or other.
Young people live in small worlds. Parents, friends and the amorphous group of half-familiar schoolmates are the limits of their social lives. Naturally, teenagers tend to attach more importance to the praise or criticism coming from their friends or schoolmates, on grounds that parents love you anyway and are fatally biased. But, since teens can be very cruel to each other, the criticism of schoolmates is frequently unkind and meant to hurt. This serves to increase the feelings of anxiety and stress, resulting in withdrawal from the social environment into a private world of pain and shame.
Young people are terribly earnest about outward appearances and criticism. They are still away from the age when human beings come to terms with themselves and are no longer much interested in what others say or think. Hiding one’s body or face and feeling ashamed just because somebody else said that this is the thing to do is a mistake and teenagers should be helped to see this. Acne can be defeated with persistence and by using the right products. However, the psychological effects of acne must also be fought, or else they may never go away. The young man who hated himself for having pimples on his face will turn into the adult who hates himself for being a little overweight or not making as much money as some co-worker.
The feeling of discomfort and shame with oneself does not always go away in time. Sometimes it just finds a new problem to act as its power source. This is the lasting effect of acne: a poor self image, a lack of confidence and a feeling of being at a disadvantage when comparing oneself to other people. These moods and mindsets can ruin anybody’s social life and often times they also get in the way of professional development. Unfortunately, acne is not just skin deep. This is the main reason you should find the acne treatment as soon as you need one.
Acne scars
Acne scars are the marks left behind by lesions that had not healed or had become inflamed. Their size, frequency and type depend on various genetic factors, which are particular to every person. Some persons are more likely to see scars forming on their skin, due to their heritage and skin color. This is why many people want to make sure their lesions will heal properly.
There are only two types of acne scars. The simplest scar is nothing more than a spot of skin bearing a brown, pink or purple color, testimony to the fact that a pimple had been there. The second type is called the ice pick scar and it is a small hole in the skin where the lesion used to be. Scars are usually left behind only by inflamed lesions, such as pustules, nodules or cysts. However, squeezing open a comedo could result in an inflamed lesion and a scar.
Pigmented scars are the result of the skin’s own process of rebuilding the natural color in the healing tissue. The concentration of pigment can be lowered with various types of treatments, such as bleaching creams, lotions or laser surgery. The choice of over-the-counter products should depend on the type and severity of your acne. If you are not sure what to choose, talk to a dermatologist.
Mild acne scars take up to six weeks to vanish. If the over-the-counter acne products don’t work, talk to your doctor again and he or she will recommend you a stronger treatment for scars, possibly even creams based on retinoids. This is done to prevent acne flare-ups and to promote the shedding of skin cells in and around the scars.
The next level in acne scar treatment is the chemical peeling of your skin. Lycolic, salicylic or lactic acid is used to peel away the damaged top layer of the skin and trigger the formation of a new and smoother layer. This procedure can be beneficial even for active acne. Peels are usually performed over a period of weeks or months and are mostly effective against pigmented scars.
The second type of acne scars is more commonly treated with dermabrasion or laser resurfacing. Dermabrasion means that the top layer of the skin is removed with the help of a high-speed rotary wire brush or diamond-coated stone. This procedure requires more than one session for each scar and has the downside of not removing the scar at all. It simply makes it less visible.
A better treatment for acne scars is the laser resurfacing of the skin. Similar to the effect of sun exposure, doctors use the concentrated light of the laser beam to burn off a smaller or bigger part of the top layer of the skin. Many dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons recommend this procedure over dermabrasion.
The best way of taking care of acne scars problem is to use an acne treatment that can really help your body put an end to basic cause of acne and simply prevent scars at all.
Variations of Severe Acne
Severe forms of acne affects few people. However, they present great hardship to the people who suffer. They are extremely disfiguring and can cause psychological effects on the sufferer.
Acne conglobata is a chronic and severe form of acne vulgaris (common acne). It is usually characterized by deep abscesses, severe inflammation, severe damage to the skin, scarring, blackheads are usually conspicuous and widespread. It often appears on the face, chest, back, thighs, upper arms and buttocks. It usually affects those whose age is between 18-30 years old.
In acne conglobata, inflammatory nodules form around multiple comedones, gradually increasing in size until they break down and discharge pus. Deep ulcers may form under the nodules, leading to keloid-type scars, and crusts may form over deeply ulcerated nodules
Acne conglobata may be preceded by acne cyst, papules or pustules that do not heal, but instead rapidly deteriorate. Occasionally, acne conglobata flares up in acne that had been dormant for many years.
Acne fulminans is a sudden onset of highly destructive inflammation, which normally afflicts young men. Symptoms of severe nodulocystic, often ulcerating acne, aching joints and fever are apparent. It may result from unsuccessful treatment of acne conglobata. It does not respond well to antibiotics, so accutane and oral steroids are normally prescribed. Corticosteroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications may be given to reduce inflammation. Attacks of acne fulminans may recur, and the patient may develop acne that requires long-term treatment with isotretinoin.
Gram-negative folliculitis is a complication of abused and long-term use of antibiotic. Patients with this type of acne are usually treated with accutane since it is known to be effective against gram-negative bacteria. The word “Gram” refers to a blue stain used in laboratories to detect microscopic organisms. Certain bacteria do not stain blue and are called “Gram negative.”
Pyoderma faciale is the type of acne that affects females mainly belonging to the 20-40 age groups. It is confined to the face, appears suddenly as both deep and superficial cystic lesions of the face with interconnecting "tunnels" between cysts, reddish inflammation of the skin, and slight swelling (edema) of the skin, rarely persists more than a year or so, and is not associated with oily skin.
Skin Care Tips for People Suffering from Acne
Be Gentle
The first thing to remember is that you have to be gentle with your face. Don’t wash your face with hot or cold water. Use lukewarm water and a mild cleanser twice a day and after your workout at the gym, in case you do work out. Avoid regular soap and other such products that are filled with harsh chemicals. If you are not familiar with cleansers, ask a doctor for advice.
Wash your face gently and rinse thoroughly. Pad your face dry and avoid scrubbing. Scrubbing could open a thousand invisible lesions in your skin that are the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria.
Keep Your Hands Away from Your Skin
Although it is against your instincts, you must learn to keep your hands away from pimples and other lesions. Squeezing pimples is a bad idea, unless performed under sterile conditions by a doctor.
For the Guys
If you have to shave, then be very careful about it. Run a test on yourself and see which type of razor is better for you. I’d say that electric razors are the thing to use if you suffer from acne, but each man knows better what works in his case. Shave gently and avoid opening up existing lesions.
For the Girls
Cosmetics are one of the minor roots of acne. If you’re going through an acne treatment, then choose only oil-free cosmetics or else the good effect is wasted. You should also run tests on yourself and see which cosmetics do not clog your pores. Watch out for side effects if you use products whose labels say “designed not to clog pores”.
Stay out of the Sun
Yes, a suntan would look lovely on you, but you should learn to do without for a while. The risks of sun exposure are not acceptable when you realize that the sun does not cure acne. UV rays simply dry the outer layers of your skin and cause it to peel away. However, once you are away from the sun, acne will return. Prolonged exposure will also make you a certain candidate for skin cancer.
Acne is a Big Problem: How to Find Acne Treatment?
Acne, most commonly known as pimples, is the bane of almost every face and the worst nightmare for those too unfortunate to suffer. How to cure these pimples?
It is the most common skin disease today. In the United States alone, nearly 60 million people are infected with acne, where 85 per cent of teenagers suffers from it.
Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands), which leads to plugged pores and outbreaks of lesions commonly called pimples or zits. Acne lesions usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.
Contrary to the popular belief, acne is not just a teenager’s disease. It is a social bane and can be upsetting and disfiguring in certain cases. It has a significant economic impact, as people spend a lot of money on non-prescription and prescription treatments and therapies.
Acne cases vary from mild to severely disfiguring. It ranges from comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) to nodules and cysts. Here are several acne terms that can help you better understand acne.
Comedo or Comedones are simply a plugged and enlarged hair follicle. When a comedo is open, it is usually called a blackhead. When it is closed or deep into the skin, it is usually called whitehead. The whitehead differs in color from the blackhead because the opening of the plugged sebaceous follicle to the skin’s surface is closed or very narrow, in contrast to the distended follicular opening of the blackhead. Neither blackheads nor whiteheads should be squeezed or picked open, unless extracted by a dermatologist under sterile conditions. Tissue injured by squeezing or picking can become infected by staphylococci, streptococci and other skin bacteria.
Papules are inflamed lesions that usually appear as small, pink bumps on the skin and can be tender to the touch. A group of very small papules and microcomedones may be almost invisible but have a "sandpaper" feel to the touch. A papule is caused by localized cellular reaction to the process of acne.
Pustules are papules topped by pus-filled lesions that may be red at the base. A pustule that forms over a sebaceous follicle usually has a hair in the center. Acne pustules that heal without progressing to cystic form usually leave no scars.
Nodules are solid, dome-shaped or irregularly-shaped lesions. They are commonly characterized by inflammation, extend into deeper layers of the skin and may cause tissue destruction that results in scarring. A nodule may be very painful. Nodular acne is a severe form of acne that may not respond to therapies other than isotretinoin.
Cysts can appear similar to nodules but are pus-filled, very painful and can cause scarring. They are usually described as having a diameter of 5 mm or more.
Sick and tired of looking into the mirror and seeing the same ugly spots and blemishes? Annoyed that you can never go out and have a good time because people stare all the time? Then it sounds like high time you do something about it. There is a number of reliable acne treatment systems that attack both the causes and the effects of acne anywhere on your body.
Different Acne Treatments
Acne is the most common skin disorder known today. Here are some of the different acne treatments that we have compiled just for you.
Wash your face twice a day (thrice at most) with gentle and non-perfumed cleanser. Avoid using soaps as they contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that can damage your skin.
Avoid touching your face. Stop putting your hands by your face! I am often guilty of this resting my hand on the side of my head while reading. Also rubbing or bracing your chin is another common problem when thinking. Avoid rubbing, touching, or scratching your skin with your hands. Your hands contain a lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups. It is probably one of the most difficult things to avoid since much of the hand to face contact throughout the day we are unconscious of. Make it a habit to avoid hand contact and be conscious of it during the day to avoid bacteria.
Avoid the temptation to pick, prick and squeeze your acne. This will send the infection deeper into the skin and can cause severe scarring.
For mild to moderate acne, you can use over-the-counter topical ointments, solutions, lotions or gels that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or azelaic acid as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is best at killing P. acnes and may reduce oil production. Resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur help break down blackheads and whiteheads. Salicylic acid also helps cut down the shedding of cells lining the follicles of the oil glands.
Topical antibiotic solutions and lotions can also be applied.
Tea tree oil is a natural antibiotic and antibacterial agent and has a drying effect on the skin. It keeps the P. Acnes bacteria at bay along with decreasing facial oiliness, which makes this oil a worthwhile investment.
Sulfur helps to heal existing blemishes by unblocking pores.
Alpha or Beta Hydroxyl Acids (AHA or BHA) works by keeping the skin exfoliated. Glycolic acid, the most well known of the bunch is a useful adjuvant therapy for mild acne. Mandelic acid, a lesser known one, but one that combines the keratolytic properties of glycolic acid, with natural antibacterial properties that help reduce the presence of P. acnes, may be considered a more effective alpha hydroxyl acid in treating acne lesions. It is also much less irritating than glycolic acid, a factor that may be very important to those with sensitive skin who are unable to use other agents such as Retin-A, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid. It is effective in treating mild cases of acne on its own, and can be used successfully with other therapies on moderate acne.
These treatments are usually effective for mild to moderate acne problems only. The effectiveness usually takes several weeks or approximately three to six months to be noticed. For more severe and serious acne conditions, do not hesitate to consult your dermatologist.
If you feel there is a better solution to your acne problems, you are right. You can try the Acne Treatment systems. The herbal pills kill bacteria, the deep facial and body washes open up the pores and cleanse, the protection cream acts as a shield for your skin.
How to prevent acne
Nobody wants to have acne. Every person with acne want to get rid of it. Everyone wants to prevent acne. Unfortunately, not all of us do know how to prevent acne. There is no miracle cure that will "eliminate acne in 3 days". There is no miracle. But there are treatment products that will help you treat acne. However, you should be aware that you can prevent acne from appearing.
Acne Facts
Fact number one. The cosmetic industry makes billions of dollars from the public quest for great skin. They use the money to advertise and perpetuate their products. Do not be fooled by the hype.
Fact number two. There are many factors that contribute to the clogging of pores: like dehydrated skin, improper cleansing, excessive oil production, excessive build-up of dead skin cells, hormones, excessive sweating, dirty work or play environments, genetics, makeup, fingers on the face, allergic reactions, a diet high in sugar content and many others.
Fact number three. Most skin impurities are due to clogged pores, so the best way to have that beautiful skin is to unclog your pores.
How to prevent acne
1. Avoid oil-based products such as facial lotions, wash and cosmetics. Look for products that are "non-comedogenic," it means it will not clog your pores.
2. Do not wear a tight headband, baseball hat, and/or helmet when you exercise or play sports, and make sure you wash the sweat-soaked things each time you wear them.
3. Keep the skin hydrated and moist, so your cells can function properly. Moisturize your face with mild, non-comedogenic moisturizers to keep it hydrated. Moisturizing is a necessity. Again, the product with the least amount of chemical additives is the best. Always use a light moisturizer on your face after cleansing.
4. Cleanse your pores with an alcohol-free toner or skin conditioner on cotton balls. Do not try to scrub harshly or you will strip and damage your skin. Even after rinsing your face, if you do not remove the remainder of cleanser and loosened debris residues, you are only going to embed that debris deeper into the pores as you layer serums and moisturizers on top. The absolute best way to perform this deep pore cleansing is with an alcohol-free toner or skin conditioner on cotton balls. There's no need to harm your skin by vigorous scrubbing or harsh acids, simply wipe with toner damp cotton balls until the last cotton comes away perfectly white.
5. Astringents, Salicylic Acid, retinoic acids, and glycolic acids all work to prevent pores from clogging. Be aware of some active ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, these ingredients can cause major side effects.
So there, those are ultra easy steps to eliminate or lessen your problem, start today. Beauty starts with your skin.
These are 5 major tips. There are even more and do not forget to consider the acne treatment products.
Herbal Acne Treatments
There are some herbal acne treatment products that can help you to keep your skin healthy. Let's have a look at their ingredients.
Dandelion (root)
Such widespread herbaceous plant as dandelion of sunflower or Asteraceae family is known for detoxifying properties. Therefore it works perfectly when skin blemishes are treated with its assistance.
This usual pant of our yards contains a lot of substances useful for our bodies: choline, bitter compounds, inulin, calcium, silicic acid, sodium, sulfur, and potassium which is also highly concentrated in the fresh leaves.
Purple Coneflower (powder)
Echinacea stimulates immune system as it contributes to production of definite white blood cells. It also makes cell walls stronger therefore the person is less subjected to risk caused by viruses and bacteria. They are not able to break through the walls that are well protected. This is how you can care about your skin keeping inflammatory conditions at bay. The plant grows as a wildflower in Canada and USA. At present it can also be found in Europe and Asia as well as a cultivated plant.
This plant is also good for cold and flu due to its immune-strengthening properties. It should be taken orally. When applied topically, it treats such skin conditions and eczema, psoriases and insects bites. Due to its antimicrobial properties, Coneflower can inhibit bacteria and slowing up the formation of pus.
Burdock (root)
Burdock grows almost everywhere: in the Northern USA, Asia and Europe. For ages its leaves and roots have been used to treat almost all skin ailments and diseases such as acne, eczema, skin cancer, and others. Burdock helps to restore skin smoothness and has a mild antibiotic effect.
Yellow Dock (root)
This perennial flowering plant is known as a general systematic toner. Its leaves are an excellent source of vitamin A, protein, iron and potassium. It is usually combined with sarsaparilla in ointments, creams and decoctions against chronic skin disorders, for example, psoriases, eczema, skin rashes. The combination of these two plants is effective due to the combination of the astringent tannis and purgative anthraquinones that have active antimicrobial properties.
Cayenne (40 HU)
The spicy and hot flavor of red pepper cayenne has a component referred to as capsaicin which when used locally on the skin area may reduce pain and irritation. This similar soothing feature can help to eliminate itchiness and irritation caused by skin psoriasis. Cayenne pepper works as a carrier agent that may activate and aid the activity of the some other elements to the skin oil glands and skin pores.
Red clover (blossom)
Red Clover is known to be rich in essential vitamins for the skin such as vitamin A and vitamin B-complex. It is used to remove toxins from blood. In old times, fresh flowers were chopped and applied directly to skin in order to treat insect bites of inflammations. Nowadays, red clover extract is one of the components of creams and lotions against such skin conditions as psoriasis.
Root of licorice
This sweet-flowered herb has been used for centuries in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. Ingested in proper quantities it can reduce skin inflammations and redness, treat dermatitis and some infections. Licorice is also used as a skin lightener and as an emollient in cleansers and creams.
We do not urge making such mix on your kitchen table. Remember about these effective plants when you acquire products for acne treatment. With such ingredients you will be able to get the desired effect.
How to Find the Best Acne Treatment Solution?
When you are choosing an acne treatment solution, you want it to work and you want it to be reasonably priced. You may get frustrated while selecting the best acne-fighting products for you due to abundance of them on the market today.
There are awesome tips that can make choosing the right product for you much easier.
1. Guidelines recommended by FDA
There are a couple of recommendations for selecting a herbal based anti acne treatments. The Food and Drug Administration's new rules, for example, ensure that the organic or herbal medicines:
• All the safety standards must be taken into consideration
• Are free of any harmful ingredients, contaminants or impurities
• The product should be labeled properly in accordance with guidelines set by the standards.
As you see it is a good idea to use the same FDA-recommended guidelines when choosing an anti-acne cream, lotion, oil or other similar product.
2. Is it clinically tested?
We live in an epoch of evidence-based medicine and should base our judgment on real testimonials and pure facts and evidences, and not just naked claims. Therefore, choose a good, multi-component acne aid which has ingredients that are clinically tested by time and experience and have been advocated by qualified health professionals and doctors for everyday usage.
3. Is it totally compliant?
High-quality supplements are produced in accordance with the formulae, which minimize the risks of possible aftereffects for the major part of buyers. Those, who look for the efficient skin care system, should find the one that is good for people of any age and gender. Visit acne treatment forum and browse through reviews. Your product should be rated as giving equally fast and best results in young adults as well as in middle-aged and elderly women and men.
4. Is it risk-free?
Some anti-acne programs have side effects just like traditional medications. Therefore, when choosing your product research if this skin care supplement is free of any undesirable effects on your body.
The simplest way of doing that is to study well all acne forums you can find and see if the product you want to use has an approval of some well-known major international authority on health. To sum up, pay your attention to the opinion of majority because it will be the right one. You may find the best product for your skin if you take into consideration this factor.
5. Compare and see if the product is affordable and economical
Skin care product for acne patients can't be called the best unless it is affordable. Thus, a product that gives you more for less would be the best choice.
If you go to the pharmacy you will see many products of different types in it. All of them are aimed at fight with acne. You will see lotions, skin care creams, supplements, lotions, oils to prevent the problem. There are a lot of brands that produce natural products, but not all of them work properly to produce good result. Even those products that are frequently used can lead to undesirable effects.
The main thing is to regard the reviews of other people who try to treat their conditions with this or that product and then share the impressions, informing other users if the product was helpful.
Acne Treatment Pills Without Surgery
Men and women often try to treat acne and enhance their appearance consider chemical techniques that may have pretty adverse, even life-threatening effects up to ending with surgical interference. But now many people understand that the safest way to get the desired result is to take medicines of natural origin.
Your whole body will be healthy when herbal drugs are used. You can lessen pain and prevent health problems if you choose natural products. Make your physical condition a first priority. Natural acne treatment pills bring brilliant results and are absolutely safe. If you decide to take acne treatment pills of natural origin, you will notice the results very soon. You will not suffer from any complications, as these pills do not include any unnatural ingredients and preserving agents. After just a few days of taking the supplements you'll have clear skin on the face, your body acne will also go away. You'll get rid of such aging signs as wrinkles or stretch marks.
Acne treatment pills contain a herb called "Elixir of Youth". According to the legend the plant was previously used to treat all skin conditions. The herb doesn't grow widely and it blooms only twice a year. Therefore, it takes time and effort to extract useful substances. According to the research these herbs include biological ingredients that make your skin clean. Acne treatment pills can give you what you need and you will boost your confidence.
Acne treatment pills may come with Vitamin E, which is a good anti-oxidant and moisturizer as well. Clear face skin will make you feel young, and will contribute to improved confidence - all without possible side effects!
Natural Acne Treatment Products
So, you are already mature with the means for your struggle and you have already chosen your way that you will give no remorse to acne and you are going to destroy any acne appearing on your skin, either on shoulders or legs or arms or anywhere. But the question is open with the very means that you will use in your struggle. Yes, the case in hand is concerning acne natural treatment.
There are a lot of causes of acne. These causes are simply versatile, so it happens that you just do not know where these disgusting spots have come from. Acne can be caused by hormones or unhealthy environment – it just seems to emerge from nowhere! But the cause is definitely always present.
Such great variety of causes triggers a big variety of acne natural treatment options. Usually they are proved with tests or with wide practical applications, but nevertheless you cannot predict, whether any single one of them will be really helpful in your case. But at let such multifarious choice gives freedom for your actions. There are many product types and each of them has different action.
What is really important in choosing anti-acne preparation is to read the reviews. Of course that is the case not only with preparation against acne. Product reviews are written not for fun. On what should you pay your attention reading acne natural treatment reviews? Very often it is written that the products are recommended only on doctor endorsements. In this case it is unquestionably better to consult a good specialist before using such preparations.
A product review can also give you brief information regarding product reputation. Try to ferret out any information about references of the company that produces this product.
What you also should refer is money-back guarantee. This is also the part of reputation, product safety and a major factor as a single thing – if you will be paid back in case of failure of the preparation to defeat your acne, at least you will not lose money. Unfortunately lost time is already guaranteed.